28 Jun, 2021 @ 12:30
2 mins read

Here’s how to celebrate World Pride Day in Gibraltar

Pride GIB
Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo QC MP presented with the ERG’s official Gibraltar Diversity Flag

GIBRALTAR has been showing its support for Pride Month since the beginning of June, flying rainbow flags from buildings and projecting colourful lights on monuments around the city, but it’s June 28, World Pride Day, that sees the biggest celebrations. 

On the morning of June 28, Chief Minister Hon Fabian Picardo QC MP, met with the Chairman of the Equality Rights Group, Mr Felix Alvarez OBE and Secretary, Charlie Trico, where he was presented with the ERG’s official Gibraltar Diversity Flag.

Pride GIB
Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo QC MP presented with the ERG’s official Gibraltar Diversity Flag.

Flags have once again been raised at Land Frontier, and No 6 Convent Place, to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots – the reason Pride Month is celebrated every June.

Moorish Castle will also be lit tonight with the LGBTQ+ rainbow colours, for the second time this month.

Flags raised once again at the Land Frontier, Gibraltar.

The Mayor of Gibraltar, Mr Christian Santos GMD, is also showing his support through his ‘We Are One’ campaign, hosting a variety of family friendly events at City Hall, starting at 12pm.

Guests wanting to show their ‘support for the LGBTQ+ community’ will be able to have their photo taken in a special Photobooth, being run by the Gibraltar Youth Service.

Christian Santos Mayor Of Gib
Christian Santos Mayor Of Gib is helping people to feel a sense of ‘acceptance and belonging’ with his We Are One Campaign.

Later on in the day the Equality Rights Group will present the Mayor with artwork by local artist Allyson Attias, commemorating the historical Stonewall Riots of 1969 – a pivotal moment in the history of Pride.

To round-off the celebrations, there will be an evening reception for representatives of different local LGBTQ+ groups, at the Grand Chamber of the Mayor’s Parlour.

The Moorish Castle Lit Up Last Night With The Colours Of The Lgbtq+ Flag.
The Moorish Castle lit up earlier this month with the colours of the LGBTQ+ flag.

Through the ‘We Are One’ campaign, the Mayor hopes to ‘foster the spirit of inclusivity and openness’ in the community and help people to feel a sense of ‘acceptance and belonging’.

“Pride is not just about the LBGTQ+ community, it is also about those allies who stand by and support,” said the Mayor. 

Rainbow Flags Raised Outside The St Bernardo Hospital
Rainbow flags raised outside The St Bernardo Hospital

Companies or individuals wishing to participate in the events are requested to contact the Mayor’s Office via email mayor@gibraltar.gov.gi or Tel: 20047592.

The Government has also launched its first online survey for the LGBTQ+ community. 

Minister for Equality the Hon. Samantha Sacramento MP, said: “I am very proud of this, not only because it will be the first time a Government has done this in Gibraltar, but because it will also give a voice to many people from the LGTBQ+ Community. The results of the survey will provide us with a better insight on the different issues that might affect the LGBTQ+ Community.”

To participate in the survey, visit https://govgibraltar.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a4R5XLjCJdXGO9g 

Katherine Brook

Katherine Brook joined the Olive Press in June 2021. Originally from the UK, Katherine has worked as a freelance journalist for The Times, Culture Trip and many London based titles. She is also a copywriter for food, drink and fitness brands. She is a keen trail runner, cyclist, and enjoys exploring different food cuisines. Get in touch with a story katherine@theolivepress.es

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